Facebook Update: 100+ Devoted P&P Fans! Thank You!

Posted by Le on Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just a lil' update here to say a big THANK YOU to EVERYONE (too many of you...103 P&P fans...so far... to list here, but you all know who you are...thank you all so much! P&P/Jane Austen fans are the BEST!) for becoming a fan not just the 2005 film (or any other P&P versions), but for "Liking" us in our P&P fan page on FB. We appreciate it. Thanks again! :)

If you haven't  "Like" us yet and you have a FB account and love P&P '05 movie (or any P&P versions and JA related films), feel free to LIKE us there! We'd love to have your company there, hear your thoughts and opinions about the movie and all things P&P and Jane Austen related topics. We'll keep you entertain with our P&P obsessions, lol...and of course, I'll keep you updated on the latest news on our favorite  and their upcoming film projects, the film, other, and my latest posts here on this blog.


If FB isn't enough for you, follow this Blog here to keep you updated on all my latest posts here or you can find me in the following social networks spreading the P&P love everywhere...