P&P Blog update and announcement...

Posted by Le on Thursday, June 9, 2011

A lil' blog update and announcement to mention here. First of all, don't worry, I am not going anywhere nor am I moving this blog to a different host. Rest assured, I've only just been working on keeping this blog updated as best as I could as well as added new things to keep you all updated on all things P&P/Jane Austen related topics and, of course, the 2005 P&P movie version we love, which this blog is most devoted and dedicated to. I just want to let you all know that I've updated some side bar contents/sections and pages of this blog and a lil' announcement, which I will get to in a bit. For now, check out the following things I've been working on.

I've updated the following extra pages...
Pride and Prejudice (2011)
Pride & Prejudice Blog Index
Pride & Prejudice Characters

the P&P Gallery with a few new albums added as well as added and organized tons of P&P related images in their own albums. There might be some new/old images you haven't seen before. So, check them out!

Also, I've added 2 new pages...
P&P Fun Extras
Contact Me

And now, onto my lil' announcement...I've asked fellow Devoted P&P fans Ashley Visco and Christy Farmer (who are both frequent readers/visitors to this blog and its FB page. Also, both loved the 2005 movie and Matthew Macfadyen and his Mr. Darcy version as much as I do and are as equally passionate and are knowledgeable about all things P&P/Jane Austen related topics) to help me out as well as help spiced up this blog with more fun and interesting topics/posts for you all to read and enjoy. Welcome Ashley and Christy!!! :) I'd still be posting here, of course, and not going anywhere as aforementioned. I just thought they would be awesome guest bloggers and additional contributors for this blog. They are both wonderful, fun, and very creative writers and will post their own random P&P/MM/Darcy/JA related topics and essays as well as any P&P/P&P Actors' related news here very soon. They both have their own blog (Christy's Writing blog by Christy) and a tumblr page (Mr. Darcy's Destiny by Ashley) affiliated to this blog, so please welcome them and check out their writing/blog sites too! Thanks. :)