Confessions of a P&P Blogger

Posted by Le on Saturday, May 29, 2010

It is now truth universally acknowledged...well, at least to my long-time and faithful readers of this blog that I love, love, love Pride & Prejudice...the 2005 film starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen. It's no secret here that the 2005 film was, is, and almost 5 years later...still is to this very day, my personal favorite of the few adaptations I've seen of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (ie. the 1980 miniseries and 1995 miniseries, and a bit of the 1940 black-and-white film) as well as other inspired of P&P film versions (ie. Bride & Prejudice, Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, 2003's Pride and Prejudice: A Latter-Day Comedy, and 2008's "Lost in Austen"). As open minded I am about any P&P adapted or inspired films I've seen (or heard), the 2005 film still remain on top of my must-see movies list (old and new), in my humble opinion, of course. After all, this blog isn't name after it, for nothing, right? lol. I certainly stayed true to my love for this film as the film did and captured the heart of the book it was adapted from, at least, that was how I see it. Who knew I would be so into all things Pride & Prejudice (ie. novel, movie and any adaptations, comic book, or books related/associated to it)? If you had asked me about this back when I was in grade school (back in the mid-90s when the '95 miniseries was showing on TV) or prior to the 2005 film, you'd have no luck, lol. P&P, before the 2005 film was almost a blur to me...except for the title, the genius author Jane Austen, and parts of the 1995 BBC/A&E miniseries (the first P&P adaptation made for television I've seen).

Thankfully, the 2005 film was made and it made me a huge P&P fan as well as got me into it or at least know more about Jane Austen (her life story turned into a film, one of many that includes the 2007 Becoming Jane starring Anne Hathaway) and her other novels, also adapted into the big screen. I must admit, I have not read her other novels (other than P& favorite JA novel...), but I've seen all different adaptations of her novels on tv/films (from various P&P adaptations to 2 Sense and Sensibility versions including a Bollywood one, 3 Emma film and tv versions, 2 Persuasion tv/film versions, the 1999 Mansfield Park, and 2007's Northanger Abbey). So, I, at least know what her other novels were about. I know shame on me, I should try to read her other popular novels (perhaps someday I will...), but like I said, P&P is my favorite and the one I'm more interested in and into since after seeing the 2005 film. So, to stay on the P&P topic, you could say, I'm more so a P&P fan than a Jane Austen fan (in general) as the 2005 film made me a huge P&P fan and also re-introduced me to Jane Austen's classic novel of the same name and various different adaptations of it. I love everything P&P because of it.

Though, when I started this blog about the P&P movie almost 3 years this week today (May 29th), it was supposed to be just an archived of anything P&P movie related news and articles I've compiled at various websites and my P&P forum as I wanted to archived them all in one place. I honestly did not expect to be blogging and updating this blog so frequently with all things P&P/Jane Austen related news and articles, P&P actors news/movies, etc., but then, I've always wanted to start or create my own lil' P&P blog/site about this movie and to follow the careers of the main and supporting cast post P&P. I loved and enjoyed watching them from this film that I started to noticed on their movie listings on IMDB that besides the familiar veteran actors Keira Knightley, Jena Malone, Brenda Blethyn, Donald Sutherland, and Judi Dench, I've actually seen some of them in other movies prior to P&P like Tom Hollander, Rosamund Pike, and Rupert Friend to name a few (except for Matthew Macfadyen, Carey Mulligan, Talulah Riley, Kelly Reilly, Simon Woods, and others...I've seen them on P&P first) before I even noticed them or seen them on P&P movie. I thought it's very interesting that I didn't noticed them before P&P, but after P&P movie...I got interested into checking out their other film projects. The cast of this film are all great and talented actors. It was great to see them in this film as it is to see them in their other films prior to and after P&P movie. Also, to see some of them still in touch and became really good friends like the Bennet girls (esp. Keira, Rosamund, and Carey) or co-starring/appearing/working in other films like Keira and Brenda Blethyn with director Joe Wright in Atonement, Carey Mulligan and Rosamund Pike in An Education, and Keira and Carey in Never Let Me Go, and Matthew and Donald Sutherland in The Pillars of the Earth to name a few. Not too mention, on a A Pride & Prejudice Double Triple Romance, Rosamund previously dated co-star Simon Woods (Mr. Bingley) prior to P&P and was engaged to P&P director Joe Wright post P&P (unfortunately, they are no longer together. Read Rosamund Pike talks about ex-fiancé/P&P director Joe Wright and turning 30). Also, Keira & Rupert Friend (Mr. Wickham) have been dating since after they met and co-starred on this film...and still are to this day.  Apparently, Lizzie & Wickham...or rather the actors playing them, Keira & Rupert turned out to be a couple in real-life than the characters they played on this film, who were not...who knew Lizzie & Wickham would be a couple that lasted this long? lol. I do wish Keira & Rupert all the best. They are a cute couple who look pretty good and adorable together. I hope they stay together for a very long time as they are keeping the P&P connection alive and going, hehe... So, yeah, it's fun to hear and see the former cast (and crew) of this film bonded through this film before, during filming, and after (as this film approaches 5 years after its release in September) a close extended family and friends.

I must say, I'm so glad I started this blog and have frequently updated and posted here as I have learned so much about blogger and blogging along the way...Blogger (and its host blogspot) with Google has also made it fun and easier for me to update with their awesome blog features, widgets, and many new things and fun stuff I learned to add here on this blog. It made it even more fun and exciting to update this blog and to add these awesome features I never thought I'd ever learn to do or add here. The contents and layout of this blog has changed a lot too from plain to a very nice, satisfying, and appealing look (well, I am neither a blog expert nor a professional journalist...but as a blogger...I've learned on my own that to attract readers of this blog and gain more viewers for this must learn how to show readers/viewers an equally attractive and appealing blog/site as the film was...keep the readers and visitors entertained or intrigued....and keep this film alive and going as well for those of us who loved and enjoyed watching it), since I have started this here 3 years ago. It keeps growing and growing...It amazed me how much I've learned so much (which I wouldn't have thought possible 3 years ago...but a lot of hard work and time spent online and researching...with additional google searching on anything P&P/JA related info posted here to share with you all...were all worth it and more...!), I have met or rather have gotten to know so many wonderful P&P fans/friends along the way, learned a lot about the cast and crew, their film projects post P&P movie, Jane Austen and her novels and various tv/film adaptations from all her novels including P&P, etc. all because of this film and my ongoing love and appreciation for it. Also, all the nice feedback/comments I've read from over 865+ posts I have posted for 3 years has been a very big help in me keeping this blog where it is now and frequently updated as it is. The extra features/pages (ie. Pride and Prejudice (2010) movie, my interviews with the awesome P&P 2010 actors and director , My fun Author Interviews with Sharon Lathan and her contribution as a guest blogger here, P&P dvd giveaway and book giveaway contests, etc.) made this blog so much more fun to update and keep it going. It sure is quite a challenge blogging and updating this blog almost everyday for 3 years, but also a lot of fun especially when I love, enjoy, and very passionate about the subject I am blogging about and mostly the nice comments and positive feedback I get from YOU, the readers and visitors about the entries/articles I've posted here. Thank you all so much. They mean a lot and I appreciated them very much.

In conclusion, I must admit, blogging about being a P&P blogger is a big challenge for me. I'm not good at being challenged, but when it comes to talking about P&P... I am up to the challenge, indeed. It's been a fun and learning experience for me blogging about all things P&P and following the cast and crew of this film as they do other film projects post-P&P and even more fun to find out that some of the cast are still in touch and working together in similar projects and other charitable causes. They are forever connected through this film and it's great to be a fan of this film that is universally loved by many and the actors as well.

*Side Note: This post was originally written as part of The Bennet Sisters's "Pride and Prejudice" blogging challenge...but I think I'm pretty late on getting this done and posting I've been busy with a lot of things and just now posted this here, lol...

Oh, by the way, before I wrap this up (for real...really!)...since you've read this far (sorry, I didn't expect to write a novel here, ha!...), lol...I thought I might as well share with you all, the photos I took this week from my own camera of my P&P/Jane Austen related collected items. They are mostly from my P&P '05 collection (ie. movie on dvd and blu-ray, movie poster/map, movie tie-in novel, bookmark, etc.) and other P&P related novels and Jane Austen movies I own too. So, yeah, finally parting this lengthy post here with some nice images for you to view below...enjoy!

Here they are...

(click all images to enlarge!)

This P&P movie poster's back is also a... map and shows you various Pride & Prejudice filming
in England for both P&P '95 miniseries and '05 film.

My P&P 2005 collection (ie. 2-disc collector box set include
the 2-disc dvd, a companion book from the movie, and a soundtrack cd;  Malaysian dvd/vcd version, standard dvd not pictured here; new blu-ray disc; movie tie-in novel, my own printed bookmark; 2 copies of  soundtrack cds; and a movie poster/map in one)

All my P&P/Jane Austen related movies (including Becoming Jane
and Bridget Jones movies). I don't have Persuasion and Northanger Abbey dvds, but I've seen their different versions/adaptations.

My P&P related DVDs minus the 1995 miniseries one (see
image below as to why)...

 These two P&P dvds are not included in the photos above ^
(but I do own copies of them) I took from my camera as my eldest
sister borrowed them and still hasn't returned them yet, lol...

Side by side: P&P movie/soundtrack and B&P movie/soundtrack

This P&P graphic novel was given to me
as a present from one of my friends.

My small collection of  P&P novel and P&P inspired far...

My Darcy Saga novels (including the original first art cover design of the first book)...
waiting for book # 4, In The Arms of Mr. Darcy
(Just got my copy!!!...scroll down to added pics below!)

Updated 10/5/10

 My newest additions of  P&P/Jane Austen inspired novels

 The Darcy Saga series with the 4th book just added!!! :)

Updated 12/16/2010

All my P&P/JA movies (including P&P novel, comic book,
P&P movie soundtrack, movie map, and companion book)