Sign Online Petition to SAVE Mr. DARCY's Bust!

Posted by Le on Friday, May 7, 2010

Sandra, a big P&P fan over at my P&P 05 Fan Forum brought this to my attention esp. relating to Matthew Macfadyen's modeled Mr. Darcy bust in the Pride & Prejudice (2005) film.

If you recall Elizabeth Bennet was admiring and mesmerized by it during the Pemberley scene at the Darcys sculpture gallery in the film, to which the Pemberley housekeeper, Mrs. Reynolds asked her, "Do you not think him a handsome man, Miss?" Lizzie replied, "Yes. Yes, I daresay HE is." (daresay = Darcy :-D)

Here are some images of the sexy Darcy bust to refresh your memory, lol...

Elizabeth Bennet stares
at Mr. Darcy's Bust during Pemberley Scene

According to P&P director Joe Wright (as previously posted here: Transcript of Joe Wright's P&P DVD Commentary (Part 3))

Originally, in the novel, this scene
takes place in a picture gallery.
And she sees a painting of Darcy.
And when we went to Chatsworth,
we saw this sculpture gallery,
and decided that it would be more interesting...
to have Darcy as a 3D sculpture
rather than just a flat painting.
Updated 5/13/10
Updated 10/26/10

Thanks a lot to all the P&P/Jane Austen Fans who showed their support and signed the Save Mr. Darcy Petition: Bring Back the BUST! You are all AWESOME!!! :) Now, let's hope Chatsworth will keep the Darcy Bust and put it back on display where it belongs!
Currently there are now over 207 331+ signatures signed!!!!  Just need 43 33 24 signatures to reached the 250 goal!!! It's getting closer now to its goal... So, P&P fans, please take the time to check it out and sign if you support it and want Mr. Darcy's handsome bust back inside Chatsworth's House, of course! Read the online petition letter here or check out...   

Updated 10/26/10
Got this new message via email...

Message from the petition author, the Pinkers of Pinkershire:

In case you have not been told, our petition was a success! The bust of Mr Darcy was returned to public display at Chatsworth (in The Orangery at the end of the house tour) during the summer.

Thank you to everyone all around the world who joined the campaign, and thank you also to the people at Chatsworth who responded to our plea and allowed this to happen.

Here's hoping as many of you as possible can now get the chance to see Mr Darcy in his rightful place.

P&P Fan Sandra's petition...
Hi. My name is Sandra, and I recently found out on a tour of Chatsworth that the bust of Mr Darcy (modelled on Matthew Macfadyen) has been removed from public display permanently. They will only reconsider bringing it out to public view again if enough people ask for it!

I have started an online petition to get it reinstated (although not in the house, as the sculpture gallery has been restored to its original layout).

Please sign the petition. The more names we get (and comments!) the more chance we have of allowing other fans of the film, P&P, Darcy and Jane Austen to enjoy this piece of the story.

The petition can be found here:
Bring Back the BUST!

Thank you to those who take the time to sign!