Love P&P movie? Then, LIKE Devoted Fans of P&P on Facebook!

Posted by Le on Monday, June 14, 2010

I finally got around to creating/starting a facebook fan page for this blog and for all of us P&P fans who loved this film as much as I do. I know I said I wouldn't make one because there are tons of P&P fan pages and groups on FB, but I've been asked a lot about starting one for this blog, so I thought why if a P&P forum, MySpace/MySpace Group, Twitter, and this blog is not enough, lol...but I never say never. So, I did...with the help from Jess (aka SweetLadyJess of Live, Love, Laugh Blog) and Audrey Lawrence (aka ClsicRokr089 on twitter) two of my awesome tweet friends and fellow P&P movie fans, of course.

For those of you who have FB accounts and love P&P '05 movie (or any P&P versions and JA related films), feel free to LIKE us there! We'll keep you entertain with our P&P obsession, lol...and of course, I'll keep you updated on the latest news on our favorite  and their upcoming film projects, the , other, and my latest posts here on this blog.


As if FB wasn't enough, follow this Blog here to keep you updated on all my latest posts here or you can find me in the following social networks spreading the P&P love...