I hereby announce the first ever P&P (2005) fanfic contest!
Here's the opportunity for our creative P&P lovers to submit their own stories about our favorite movie! All types of stories will be accepted, short stories, chapter stories, variations, sequels, prequels, etc. Entries must be sent to the e-mail address below by October 10th, and winners should be announced by the end of October. The first place winner will have their story posted on our blog for everyone to see! So get inventive, get inspired, GET DARCYLICIOUS! ;D
(Just a reminder!) Keep in mind that all entries should be fan fiction of the 2005 VERSION of Pride & Prejudice, NOT the novel by Jane Austen.
Can't wait to read all the fanfics!
Dead Line: October 10th
All entries are to be sent to: fitzdarcylover@live.com